color --Set font color --Introduction to CSS [CSS3 compatible]

To set the font color , set "color" in the style sheet (CSS).

Specify by color name red
RGB hexadecimal 3 digits # 3af
RGB hexadecimal 6 digits # f5b547
<div style = "color: red;"> Specify by color name red </div>

<div style = "color: # 3af;"> RGB hexadecimal 3 digits # 3af </div>

<div style = "color: # f5b547;"> RGB hexadecimal 6 digits # f5b547 </div>

RGB is an abbreviation for Red, Green, and Blue, and represents the intensity of red, green, and blue.

Hexadecimal is a number expressed by 16 characters of "0-9a-f". f is the largest.

For a 3-digit hexadecimal number, "# 3af" has the same meaning as "# 33aaff".

Colors are explained in detail in the following articles.

Let's understand how to specify the color

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